Microwave Applications
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Microwave Research


1. Early results from in vivo tests of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett's oesophagus

RF Interactions with Humans: Mechanisms, Exposure and Medical Applications. IOP London, 28th February 2003.

2. Spiers’ Prize eponymous lecture 2003: In vivo testing of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett’s oesophagus

9th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. University of Bath, 16th September 2003.

Extended abstract published in Proceedings of the  Scientific Meeting: Meeson S, Reeves JW, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM, Raaymakers BW. in vivo testing of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barretts oesophagus. Proc. of the 9th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (Bath) ed Morgan HM, Staritt HC, Duck FA (York: Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine) 2003;53-54



1. IPEM Scientific Meeting 2002 - University of Durham

Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Collier RJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM, Raaymakers BW. Initial in vivo testing of a microwave applicator designed for the treatment of Barrett’s oesophagus.

2. William Harvey Day 2002 - Royal Hospital of St. Bartholomew, London

Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Collier RJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM, Raaymakers BW. Initial in vivo testing of a microwave applicator designed for the treatment of Barrett’s oesophagus.

3. UEGW 2002 - Geneva, Switzerland

Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Collier RJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM, Raaymakers BW. Comparison of simulated and in vivo test data for a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett’s oesophagus.

Abstract published in Gut 2002;51(Suppl III):A191.

4. DDW 2003 - Orlando, USA

Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM, Raaymakers BW. Preliminary results from in vivo tests of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett's oesophagus.

Abstract published in Gastrointest. Endosc. 2003;57:AB138.

5. IPEM Scientific Meeting 2003 - University of Bath

Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM, Raaymakers BW. Preliminary results from in vivo tests of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett’s oesophagus.

6. NEAT Dissemination Event 2004 - Weetwood Hall Conference Centre, Leeds

Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM. Development of microwave applicators for the treatment of Barrett's oesophagus.

7. William Harvey Day 2004 - Royal Hospital of St. Bartholomew, London

Meeson S, Reeves JW, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Ikeda K,Feakins RM. In vivo testing of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett's oesophagus.

8. DDW 2005 - Chicago, USA

Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Ikeda K, Feakins RM. In vivo testing of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett's oesophagus.

Abstract published in Gastrointest. Endosc. 2005;61:AB144.


Scientific Papers

1. Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ. Effect of insertion depth on helical antenna performance in a muscle-equivalent phantom. Phys. Med. Biol. 2005;50:2955-2965. Epub 2005 Jun 1.

2. Meeson S, Reeves JW, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Ikeda K,Feakins RM. Preliminary findings from tests of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett’s oesophagus. Phys. Med. Biol. 2005;50:4553-4566. Epub 2005 Sep 21.


Published Abstracts

1. Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Collier RJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM, Raaymakers BW. Comparison of simulated and in vivo test data for microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett's oesophagus. Gut 2002;51(Suppl III):A191

2. Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM, Raaymakers BW. Preliminary results from in vivo tests of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett's oesophagus. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2003;57:AB138

3. Meeson S, Reeves JW, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Feakins RM, Raaymakers BW. Spiers’ Prizeabstract: in vivo testing of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barretts oesophagus. Proc. of the 9th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (Bath) ed Morgan HM, Staritt HC, Duck FA (York: Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine) 2003;53-54

4. Reeves JW, Meeson S, Birch MJ, Swain CP, Ikeda K, Feakins RM. In vivo testing of a microwave applicator designed to treat Barrett's oesophagus. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2005;61:AB144


Last modified 25th February 2014

Stuart Meeson

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